Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Review : Auction Hunters

Auction Hunters on "Spike", 10-10 30 PM , Tues. -  Bored & nothing else on at this time slot but a Repeat Episode of Entourage on WGNA.Auction Hunters got the perfect time slot for a new show to get a start on.
"Auction Hunters" is completely fuckin staged.!
Auction Hunters, "Ton" and "Allen". Star in this very fake and staged show
It stars Ton (Tattoo-Headed/Bold Headed Bouncer Looking Troll) and Allen (a Wally Cleaver Clone).
Ton & Allen host this show about winning storage unit auctions and turning it over for a profit.. reminds me a lot of The History Channels: "Pawn Stars" and "American Pickers",..actually it's a complete rip-off of "Pawn Stars" & American Pickers!! . ..
At least "Chumlee" from "Pawn Stars" is buffoon-ish-ly funny
I liked Auction Hunters for about 3minutes..  then it became a repetitive head-ache. . and I switched it off..
every bit .. is the same . . delivery. jokes, ending.. you can predict everything.. this show is a cheesy rip-off  of some popular History Channel Shows.
Pawn Stars is staged..but at least its entertaining, interesting, and some what educational. , and for humor: it features a fat imbecile, they call him 'Chumlee'. 

Storage Wars on A&E Wednesday's 10 PM
Coincidently or not by coincidences there is another reality show about Storage called Storage Wars  (A&E, 10-10:30 PM, Wed.) - this show isn't so bad. I watched it many times and did not get disgusted.
Out of the two reality shows about storage, "Storage Wars" is the one to watch!


  1. I agree with you. This is a piece of crap hosted by two exceptionally slimy fools who should not be on TV.
    Pawn Stars,American Pickers and even Storage Wars are at least 5 steps up on the ladder compared to this drivel.
