Saturday, December 4, 2010

Shows I've been watchin lately..........

Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew » Season 4 » VH1:
what can I say.. the first two episodes where pretty funny. Jason Davis (Billionare) tears Janice Dickinson a new a-hole with the insults on how plastic she is. He jabs at her plastic surgery.. Jason is a riot.., who knew that he is a comedic genius? He said "Janice i think if you go in the water your face will melt off"... hahahahaha!
Jason Davis "The Fatty Billionare is starring in Celebrity Rehab 4
Eric Roberts uses a Vaporizer like this to smoke weed.
Eric Roberts is addicted to marijuana, and has provided me vital information concerning the best way to smoke herb. He smokes it out of a vaporizer. Thanks for that Footage of the vaporizer.. The next day, I bought a bought a vaporizer off of e-bay for $45 bucks. Eric emphasized the THC content yield, and how little reefer you use to get stoned. Eric stated that when he smokes it he uses very little and only smokes the THC out of it through the vaporizer.. and there they went and showed the clip of him using the ol' vaporizer and it's digital ... .Yes , oh yes.. you can learn quite alot by watching Celebrity Rehab..
Show: Celebrity Rehab 4
Network: VH1
Schedule: Wednesday, 10 PM

Cast of "Swamp Loggers" on DSC
Swamp Loggers - on The Discovery Channel:
interesting day in and day out operations of a Logger Company out of the swamp lands of North Carolina.
Monster machines , mechanical giants.. cool... I tune in daily on this show.. I'm hooked..
Show: Swamp Loggers
Network: DSC
Schedule: Friday, 9 PM

 Married To Rock:
Etty "Funny Lips" Farewell from "Married to Rock"
Josie Stevens
"Real World" producer Bunim-Murray Prods. came up with this show. I like it very much. Constant eye-candy. My favorite wive is Josie Stevens, she is the Wife, of guitarist Steve Stevens. She is a Stripper Barbie Doll who is not only erectifying to look at, she is very funny...all dat' and sense of humor!.,now the other wife,  Kitty i mean Etty Farewall the wife of Perry Farewall from Janes Addiction has a smoking body! ...and her enunciation is superb.
Show: Married To Rock
Network: E
Schedule: Sunday, 10:30 PM

The Real Housewives of B.H.
The Real Cunts of Beverly Hills
Yeh, I know what your thinking.. I watch this show as a scientist studying pathetic rich spoiled and fake Rich Cunts from B.H... Camille Grammar the wife of Kelsey Grammar proves to be quite flakey, fake, and nut-s. This becomes apparent in the show from her constant delusions, and loopy and sluggish speech. She is possibly under the influence of a prescribed medication cocktail of haldol, clozapine,oxycodone, and xanax... who knows my neighbor mentioned ambien to me..... Camille's husband Kelsey Grammar.. also showcases himself to have some major issues .. The fucker is faker then a 3 dollar bill.. . Also, check out Taylor Armstrong , she needs to sue her plastic surgeon. Her face is about to fall off..! Those lips are bizarre looking!  The study of the pathetic and fake.  Be like Freud, or Pavlov? Watch a bunch of plastic bitches and rich hags competing for the spot light for their 15 minutes of fame.
Show:  The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
Network: Bravo
Schedule: Thursday, 10 PM.

Gene Simmons Family Jewels:
Gene Simmons, is that a Wig?
Must give props to "The Osbournes".
 Gene has a wacko wig-do, and his life is all about making money & profit$. Reminds me of  "Ferengi's"..& gefilte fish"?
Show: Gene Simmons Family Jewels
Network: A&E
Schedule: Sunday, 9 PM.

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